Christoph Wagner
Übersetzungen – Traductions – Translations – Traducciones

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There's matter in these sighs, these profound heaves: You must translate: 'tis fit we understand them.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene I




We are delighted to be taking on Shakespeare’s challenge by translating your texts and documents into other languages to make them accessible to your business partners while retaining the true meaning of your original. We have been successfully doing so for quite a while now, a fact that is reflected in our constantly increasing turnover.

The continual rise in the worldwide flow of commodities and in academic and cultural exchanges means that translations are becoming more and more important. The progressive breaking down of borders that has taken place since Shakespeare’s time, resulting in the EU described by the Schengen agreement, has not undermined this – in fact, it has had quite the opposite effect.

Sooner or later, you too might be faced with the task of making your ideas, documents, and plans available to partners throughout the world in a different language.

For more than 20 years, our team of native translators has been helping you to impart knowledge to other cultures - with increasing success!